Friday, June 21, 2019

Management Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor Research Paper

Management Theories by Morgan, Fayol and Taylor - Research Paper ExampleThe Fourteen principles that have been decorate down by Fayol are discussed in detail belowSpecialization of Labor Fayols first important principle was aimed at the specialization of labor. This is a very important aspect of focusing and needs to be taken into consideration while managing people. This is an important aspect of management. Specialization encourages continuous improvement in the skills and involves the development of improvements in methods. This is very beneficial for the companies and provides the company with better-skilled individuals, which in turn improves productivity.Authority Authority plays a very important role in management and is very essential in managing people. It focuses on the upright to give orders and show authority. Giving authority to a person means giving the person the right to do things. Also, a responsibility normally arises where a person is given the authority.Discip line The next aspect is discipline this mainly deals with the idea of ensuring there is no slacking, bending of rules, and that all employees are obedient and respectful in the organization. It is essential that employees must obey and respect the rules that are prevalent in the organization. If there is impelling leadership within an organization and a clear understanding between management and workers in regards to the organizations rules, the discipline will be at the optimum level.Unity of Command Unity of command refers to a situation where every employee has just ane boss. This is essential to ensure management of the people is non confused between the needs of different people at different time. This plays a very important role as if every employee has just one boss, the employees will be more productive if the command is from one superior to avoid any confusions in the final outcome.Unity of Direction Unity of military commission is the next important aspect in the 14 pr inciples by Fayol. This is very important just like the unity of command as if one person leads the team, all the planning is made by a single mind and the leading is much simpler since the team members need to work according to the plan.

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